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HogDog Nation Podcast
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 - Lee George, Catahoulas and Ugly Women Episode 6 - High fence, low fence, no fence, probably behind yo fence Episode 7 - U.E. Recap Episode 8 - Get that ass right and the mind will follow! Episode 9 - Deer Doggin' in South Carolina Episode 10 - Cole Walton, Long Ears are for possums to hang on to, Tuskers Magazine, Episode 11 - Sugga! - What you know about a Hog DOG?! Episode 12 - Randy Dorrell give...
Ed Barnes on Bulldogs
Bulldogs “Bulldogs” is a very large topic, and I will do my best, but I have to admit right now, it is not my area of expertise. For a good many years, as I have already told you, I didn’t use a bulldog. Here in ranch country the bulldog is either loved or hated. The majority of the old timers coming in on the hate side. “Hate” is a strong word, but along the way I kind of soaked in the anti-bulldog sentiment, not from experience but just from rubbing elbows with the old men that were not in love...
Do you want to be a part of Tuskers magazine?
We are in need of column writers for North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Hawaii, and Missouri. The column is used as a place to discuss important issues about hog hunting in your state, as well as events such as bayings and competition hunts. It doesn't take a lot of time, just a short write up once every other month. We need people willing to make a committment for at least a year. No professional writing needed, we are just a working man's magazine, down to earth. If you would be interested give me a call at 918-857-1969 or email...
Ed Barnes - On Plott dogs
I sat down to write a straight forward review of this book, (Strike and Stay, by Bob Plott) I would peck fast at the keyboard for a few minutes then back up and read. "No," I'd tell myself and delete what I had written, and think to myself, "keep your darn opinion out of it!" Then I'd get back to pecking, and read. After a stern reprimand of myself I could stay on point for a little while, then I found myself drifting back into opinion. This went on for a while, so I walked away. After thinking, I figured...